Add on person to multiple projects at once
Chris Goumas
When I hire a new person, there are often 20 projects I need to add them to. It would be great if there was a special button for "add one user to multiple projects". When selected, all of the company projects would be listed with an on/off toggle next to them.
I would select the worker at the top and then toggle on all the projects I wished to add them to and hit "enter"...and they would be added all at once.
Chris Goumas
Thank you....I see how this works. Yes...this is a fine solution.
in progress
You can easily add a new employee to multiple projects in your company through the "People" section of the Tack app. To do so, go to the "People Detail Dialog" and select the "Project" tab. From there, you'll see a list of available projects and can select which ones you want to add the employee to.
To save time, there is also an "Assign to All Projects" option at the bottom of the project list. Simply click on this option and the new employee will be automatically added to all of the projects in the list.
This streamlined process will enable you to quickly and efficiently add new team members to all of the relevant projects, without having to manually select each project one-by-one.
Chris Goumas
Perhaps if there were 100's of projects I would want an intermediate layer of all our clients...I would first select all the clients I wanted to add them to...and then select, as a second step, the projects of those clients to add them to.